
Automated hacking tool powered by a trainable AI engine.

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What is it?

Gerbil is an automated hacking tool powered by a trainable AI engine. It was originally designed to be an automated network penetration tester by scanning your network for weak points. When it does find a weak point, it will use previous experience to decide how to attack the server.

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Project State

Gerbil is still in it's early stages. Right now it's just a fancy network scanner. If you have experience in C#, feel free to contribute to help speed up development!

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Build Status

Configuration Branch Status
Windows x86/64 (.NET 4.5) stable Build status
beta Build status
nightly Build status
dev Build status
Linux x64 (Mono 3.12.0) stable Build Status
beta Build Status
nightly Build Status
dev Build Status

System requirements

Doesn't matter if you have a Cray supercomputer or a potato. If it can run .NET 4.5, you are good to go.

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To get Gerbil, git clone this repository to your hard drive. From there, open up ~/Gerbil/Gerbil.sln Using Visual Studio 2012 or later. Compile the project using the Release build profile. After which, check the ~/Gerbil/bin/release folder and run gerbil.exe.

Binary releases are available with each push to the stable branch.

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Gerbil uses a custom CLI. See the project wiki on the right-hand side for CLI command usage.

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Helpful addons

  • GerbilBRCS: Remote control software for large-scale Gerbil attack

Want to contribute?

See our contributing guidelines.

Obvious Legal Disclaimer

Since this is technically a "hacking tool", NETponents, @ARMmaster17, or any other contributers cannot be held liable for actions taken by this software on either your own or someone elses network. We reccommend testing Gerbil on a protected private lab network since Gerbil does posses tools to potentially wipe/modify network computer hard disks.

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